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Positions Vacant

Disability Services

Specialist School

Biodynamic Farm and Farm Shop

Business Services

Our current vacancies are listed below. Please scroll down to ensure you see the full list of positions. If you are interested in being part of our team but do not see a specific job that suits you or is currently advertised, we would still like to hear from you. Please email our Human Resources Team, at recruitment@warrah.org.au to register your interest about job opportunities.

Specialist School

ӣɬ Specialist School offers Education with a Difference for Kindergarten to Year 12 students, with moderate to severe disabilities. Our leading edge curriculum offers educational and vocational programs in the Rudolf Steiner tradition of learning, providing a foundation for a life of ongoing learning and growth. We provide a program rich in creative arts, farming and life skills, supplemented with appropriate therapies. ӣɬ Specialist School is supported by a team of highly qualified specialist teachers, assistants, therapists and administrative personnel. We also offer opportunities for student placements and volunteering. We are a small school with diverse needs and our staff are flexible, kind and tolerant in our attitude and approach to the work and students.

Disability Services

ӣɬ Disability Services provides a range of engaging and responsive services for children and adults with intellectual disability, based on the philosophies of Rudolf Steiner. We have a team of highly motivated, empathetic and committed individuals who provide the highest quality person centred in-home and community support services, across multiple locations in the North West of Sydney.

Biodynamic Farm and Farm Shop

ӣɬ Biodynamic Farm and Farm Shop are run by a small team of dedicated people, who are passionate about organic and biodynamic farming and about retailing high quality organic and biodynamic produce and groceries. They are also committed to providing adults and children with disability with opportunities to learn skills, and to engage in productive and purposeful work.

Business Services

We have a highly skilled and experienced Business Services team to support the diverse needs of ӣɬ. With our offices based on site in Dural, we are fortunate to work within our unique bushland campus. We enjoy being part of the wider community, with our school, biodynamic farm, farm shop and independent living houses just steps away. Our team shares the values of self-determination, creativity and contribution, which underpin ӣɬ’s approach to supporting people with disability.